Author name: pv_edit

Belarusian female political prisoners

According to information from Belarusian human rights defenders, more than 560 Belarusian women are being persecuted in politically motivated criminal cases. Among them, 129 women have been sentenced to imprisonment, while 290 have received house arrest. Additionally, other women have been penalized with restricted freedom in open-type prisons.. Volha Mayorava, 56 years old, is a …

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Ina Shyrokaya: “I learned”. The Belarusian female political prisoner’s monologue

Ina Shyrokaya is a fomer Belarusian female political prisoner. She shared what she learned in prison and what is not needed in life. “I learned to sleep with a book in my hands without showing that I am sleeping. I learned to eat food that I wouldn’t even consider eating in other circumstances like not …

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Viktoryia Kulsha: “She washed her hair under those conditions”

Viktoryia Kulsha is a Belarusian female political prisoner who has been sentenced for the third time. She worked as a safety engineer initially, and in November 2020, she was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. Later, she was charged with disobedience to the demands of the colony administration, which resulted in an additional one-year sentence.  …

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Maryia Uspenskaya: “Her thoughts drifted back to the past, when she had normal life”

The Belarusian female political prisoner Maryia Uspenskaya is the widow of Andrei Zeltser, who was shot down by military forces. She was sentenced to compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital with routine observation. Besides that, the court ordered that material compensation for moral damage of 100,000 BYN be recovered from Maryia for a person who …

Maryia Uspenskaya: “Her thoughts drifted back to the past, when she had normal life” Read More »

Palitviazynka Volha Kalaskouskaja: “I found out what is standing sleep”

Palitviazynka Volha Kalaskouskaja was sentenced to 2,5 years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony. During her imprisonment Volha was repeatedly placed in the disciplinary cell and solitary confinement. Volha served her term in jail. A lot of Belarusian female political prisoners recalled Volha’s name and designated her as a moral guide. Some of the …

Palitviazynka Volha Kalaskouskaja: “I found out what is standing sleep” Read More »

Iryna Zlobina: How a Belarusian female political prisoner was getting married in the prison

The Belarusian Iryna Zlobina and her fiancé Andrei Aliaksandrau were sentenced to 9 and 14 years of imprisonment for helping people who had been repressed by the authorities. They were both detained in January 2021. In September 2022, Iryna and Andrei Aliaksandrau got married in SIZO No. 1. Iryna’s former cellmate shared some details:  “I …

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