Political prisoners

Viktoryia Kulsha: The letter to a daughter

The Belarusian female political prisoner Viktoryia Kulsha was initially sentenced to two years of imprisonment in the penal colony, and later for one more year, and then again for one more year. The woman was deprived of visits with her family, phone calls, and the possibility to receive parcels. She wrote a letter to her daughter Sasha: 

“Hello, my dear Myshka! I am writing to you as soon as I had the chance to let you know about myself. I spent 92 days in SHIZO (punishment cell), 1 month in PKT (a tighter security cell), and now I’m back in PKT, but this time for half a year. 

A new criminal case has been initiated. This will be my third criminal conviction and the fourth criminal case since November 2020. 

The end of the sentence seems unbelievable. I can’t understand how people can be released from a colony. 

I haven’t received any letters from you. They were all destroyed according to the Act, as they were all supposedly written in code. They only gave me an empty envelope and a parcel receipt. 

My beloved Myshen’ka! 

Just 10 minutes ago, your letter was given to me! Oh my God, how I miss you. I can’t express it in words. I will be deprived of your visits for a long time:( Endure, my honey, endure. I know it’s hard, but it will all end sooner or later. I just came after a meeting with the investigator. Don’t tell anything to granny. Not at all! It’s better for her to know nothing until the end of December. And remember, it’s not the end of the world. 

We were prepared for all of this. Everything will be okay. 

Don’t expect phone calls, there will be no calls 🙁 

None of, Myshulia, we can endure! We can endure everything!”

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