Political prisoners

Danuta Peradnja

Danuta Peradnja

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Danuta Peradnja is the youngest “terrorist”.  She is only 21 years old.  The girl was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for reposting an anti-war post.  In the text she quite strongly criticized the actions of Vladimir Putin and Aljaxandr Lukashenka regarding the war in Ukraine.  She also wrote about the lack of prospects for the Belarusian army in the event of its direct entry into the war and there were calls for street protests in her post.  For this, the girl was added to the “list of terrorists.”

Danuta studied at Mahiljou State University named after Kuljashou, majoring in Romance-Germanic philology.  Her friends describe her as a non-conflict and very creative person.

Now Danuta works in the cutting department.  The former political prisoner calls Danuta “cutie.”

“Danuta tries to stay positive and in a normal state.  She’s so cute!  Danuta works in a cutting department, which is considered a good job in the colony.  She didn’t say anything about the war, and when someone asked what she was convicted of, she simply answered that is was for the repost.  There is little free time in the colony.  But Danuta spends all her spare time learning English.”

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