Political prisoners

Iryna Abdukeryna

Iryna Abdukeryna

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Iryna Abdukeryna has been recognized as a political prisoner. She was born on May 27 and had to meet her 50th birthday in a general-security penal colony. She was accused in aiding the Bielaruski Hajun Telegram channel for sending a video showing the relocation of military equipment across Belarus.

Iryna had worked as a teacher for many years, but she voluntarily left her job position in 2016. In her “repentant” video, somehow there was mention of Iryna being dismissed under an article of the Belarusian Criminal Code.

Iryna faced several accusations, with one particularly interesting charge being the financing of extremism, which was bewilderment given the low salary of a teacher.

Iryna is the symbolical goddaughter of Damien Cottier, a Member of the Swiss National Council. She has been sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment and fined 100 base units. In the spring, Iryna was added to the extremist list.

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