Political prisoners

Katerina Makarevich

Katerina Makarevich

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Belarusian Ekaterina Makarevich was accused of organizing so-called “extremist” performances. Allegedly, together with a group of people, Ekaterina held a number of political performances. One of them was at the Vitebsk cemetery. They put Lukashenka’s portrait on someone’s grave and filmed a staged funeral on a cell phone.

Yekaterina worked as a chief accountant before she was detained. She was sentenced to three and a half years in a penal colony. Already being in the colony, she got married, but the administration does not give her visits with her husband.

“Katusha is a very intelligent, kind, responsive girl and this is just a small list of her positive qualities. She always knew how to support in a difficult minute when I had any troubles. I especially loved the way she gave us all compliments. She could find something beautiful in any person, and this quality of hers is worth a lot. She loves her husband very much, with whom she married in the colony. The administration, for unknown reasons, tries to postpone the visit, and even once, when he came to her for a short visit, they did not let him in, they said that he was not on the list” – says the former political prisoner about Katya.

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